


air and wait for someone else to take the initiative。

… OK … he said; ing out of the trance。 …Let s get out of here。 A marijuana that he

brought was very smooth and he wanted to go to a noisy nightclub。 After leaving Jenny at

home; he could call the phone of Jeremy and to meet the boys in the bar Rivington

with black cozy room; where they could sit on the couch and smoking marijuana with no one to

bother them。 … Hey … he shouted; banging on the glass between the bank and the driver 。… You

can stop here?

Blair smiled。 Will had annoyed both the Nate wanted to leave because he could not see it

with your hands on another man?

… Oh; Natie。 Do not want to go with us? … Serena asked。

Nate has to shoulder。

… I have to take Jenny home … he said。

Jenny made a frown。 The driver of the limousine stopped the car and opened the back door for

them。 Nate and Jenny jumped cambaleou beyond。

… Bye! … She screamed excited for all that remained inside the car。

Across the affected bank Chuck smiled at her; eyes a few cracks。

… What Peninha … grunhiu him。

Jenny was not sure what he meant; but I was sure that was something perverted。

… See you! … Serena replied; the only person who really recognized that she was leaving。 …

Good luck in the tests!

Nate and Jenny were in silence in the taxi during the race for the uptown。 Nate was happy to

see the shops and restaurants that passed zunindo; silently counting from one to twenty

non…stop in your head of doid?o。 Jenny sat with the legs crossed twice; backwards from what

was wrong。 It was mainly the fault of her; reasons。 It was she who wanted a ride in the

limo; to get started。

The taxi stopped in front of the building of 99 with Jenny in the West End Avenue。 She took

the doorknob。

… Hey … Nate said; touching the sleeve of her coat。

He could not let her leave without a good night。 Stoned or not; he had a good creation; and

creation came with good manners。

He kissed the face; the hair color of her skin ro?ando sand。

… Good night … he said with a sweet smile child。

Jenny return the smile; trying desperately to forget the last minute and pretend that the

night had ended with the same perfection with which it began。

… Good night … she said; suddenly reluctant to leave。

盖世农民工  亲爱的,我要和你修仙 作者:luckydudu(vip2013-11-18完结)  穿越蛊真人  四郎  剑 寒  水灵  魔踪侠影  医道圣典  北宋奇侠传 (原名屠龙伏魔记)  回到民国当少爷  绿茵之刺客信条  劫妻  仙逆  命运凋零之花_下  烈欲狂情  春雨如酒柳如烟  梦之修真  小驿栈大江湖  五行化虚  风姿物语 外传之鸣雷篇  


















